Babu has been getting most of the attention recently and I wonder if Ambaa is feeling left out. She is able to enjoy her playtimes more because she is less scared of being picked up. She would prefer it if I didnt pick her up but, as long as I dont hold her for more than a few moments, she puts up with it and doesnt go frantic trying to escape. She also lets me stroke her now and because she is not so frightened she starts running about and playing much more quickly when I get her out. She has also got used to going back home at the end of playtime. She no longer tries to hide away. As soon as she understands that playtime is over she allows me to steer her into the carry case so I can take her back to her main house. She is continuing to grow and fill out. Because Babu lost so much weight after his accident Ambaa is now the heavier of the two. Babu has started to put on weight again but he has got to put on several more grammes before he catches Ambaa up. Their weight chart will be updated shortly to show these changes.