Over the past few days Ambaa and Jaali have had some more introduction sessions but Jaali is still very frightened of Ambaa and they are still living in separate houses. Ambaa has shown no signs of aggression towards Jaali so they are let loose together in one large room. They both explore happily until they meet. Jaali then takes fright, squeaks loudly and runs off to find somewhere to hide. This upsets Ambaa too and she gets a bit jumpy as well. Jaali will usually try to find me and climb onto my shoulder. Today they were let loose together in the bathroom. Jaali got very frightened because he couldnt get far enough away from Ambaa. Unfortunately he doesnt seem to be getting any more confident and he is a bit wary about coming out for his playtime in case he meets Ambaa. Perhaps if they swapped cages every night he would get used to her smell. It is worth a try.